Recognizing the Factors That Influence Generation z in Online Purchases


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as we know that the development of the times is very rapidly developing and has an impact on technological developments, in Indonesia the development of technology is very broad, for example, by carrying out buying and selling activities online. Electronic commerce or e-commerce is a process of buying and selling transactions that in practice are carried out online through electronic media. There are various kinds of E-commerce in Indonesia that are often used especially for the millennial generation and generation z. Such as shoppe, tokopedia, tiktokshop, etc.

Online purchasing itself is an activity of buying goods or services via the internet. Buyers can browse the desired products, compare prices from various sellers, and make payment transactions online. online purchases also make it easier for customers to get their goods quickly. Generation z is the generation that makes many purchases through e-commerce. Therefore, we will discuss further about what factors might influence online purchasing decisions in generation z so that they prefer online shopping over offline.


1. Ease and speed: Generation Z is accustomed to technology and values efficiency. They are more likely to choose online shopping platforms that are easily accessible and have a fast transaction process, as well as offer a wide selection of payment methods.

2. Price and promos: While price is important, Generation Z is actively looking for deals and discounts. They are good at comparing prices between platforms and utilizing voucher codes or coupons to get the best price.

3. Trust and reputation: Generation Z is critical in finding information. They will read product reviews and online stores before buying. The reputation of the seller and the positive experience of other users are important factors.

4. Quality of product information: Generation Z needs complete and detailed product information. Clear product descriptions, quality photos and videos, and warranty and after-sales service information are needed to convince them.

5. Product uniqueness and rarity: Generation Z tends to look for products that are unique, rare, or in line with popular trends. Platforms that offer limited edition products or exclusive collections will attract them more.

Thus we can see why so many Generation Z prefer and are happy with online shopping.
